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Impact or Shock Recorders for Transformer Monitoring

Profile picture for user admin
Submitted by admin on Sun, 03/18/2018 - 09:36

Impact recorders are equipments that log shock value and the time it occurred. Impact reorders are used to monitor shipments where concealed damage is a key concern like Transformers. The purpose of using Impact Recorders for monitoring Transformers is: 

  1. Determine any shock that may have caused a concealed damage. 
  2. Use the data to substantiate any insurance claims, as these recorders log the time of any impact that might have caused damage. The most modern loggers also allow location and data monitoring remotely. 
  3. To reduce warranty claims that may occur later during operation due to shock damage during Transportation. Usually this occurs due to concealed damage going unnoticed. Though this should be covered under transit insurance the cost is born by the Transformer manufacturer under warranty due to lack of proper use of impact recorders. 
  4. The data collected over time can be used to empirically calculate Transformer fragility or improve Transformer designs
  5. To form the first line of test to decide on whether more expensive tests like FRA should be done at site or not.


  • Impact data stored electronically in memory.
  • No moving parts to break or fail.
  • Date and Time stamps for each major event.
  • Improved accuracy, usually within +/- 2%.
  • Instant verification if recorder is working and if it has exceeded preset thresholds.
  • Record multiple distinct events that occur consecutively and the exact times.
  • Detailed event data which is very easy to understand and can be further analyzed for damage potential.
  • Long life, give a good ROI.
  • Additional device like GPS can be integrate for tracking.


  • Require training to properly set-up device – Potential loss of complete data on electronic failure.


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